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Notion End of Year Reflection Portal$39

This is an endlessly duplicatable and reusable Notion template that I designed specifically to be used at the end of the year to reflect back on the past year in your business. 

By reflecting back on 4 key elements:

o1. Clients

o2. Offers

o3. Profitability

o4. Somatics & Feelings

You are much better equipped and resourced to plan for the coming year with more intention (and a hell of a lot more clarity).

Integrate the lessons, hold on to the wins, learn from the losses, and take everything you’ve learned here to plan your most aligned,  and flowy year yet.


Once you purchase, you will receive the link to duplicate the template into your own Notion. 

Don't have Notion ? Don't worry, it's free and easy :)

  • Total payment
  • 1xNotion End of Year Reflection Portal$39

All prices in USD
